Planning approval received to construct a large basement extension to the already approved reconstructed dwelling.
Ailsdene, St Saviour - Planning approval
Planning approval received to construct a three-storey extension to the north and two-storey extension to the west of the existing house.
La Collinette, St Ouen - Planning approval
Planning approval received to convert an existing garage, extend on the east elevation and raise the roof of an existing dwelling.
Saint Laurent Pub, St Lawrence - Planning approval
Planning approval received to replace windows in a Listed Building.
Ravenrill, St Helier - Planning approval
Planning approval received to construct a ground floor extension to the east and first floor extension to the west of an existing dwelling.
Lowlands Cottage, St Peter - Planning approval
Planning approval received to construct a conservatory on the North elevation.
La Maison du Mont, St Lawrence - Planning approval
Planning approval received to partially demolish & reconstruct and extend a large house.
see more at:
Hunt Bros Limited, St Helier - Planning approval
Planning approval received to construct a pre-cast concrete ‘mega block’ wall at this commercial recycling facility.
St John's Manor, St John - Planning approval
Planning approval received to reconstruct a section of granite garden wall within the grounds of this Listed property.
Field no. MN519A, St Martin - Planning approval
Planning approval received to install 60 no. solar panels in Field no. MN519A.